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Thanks to the partnership between Southeast Service Cooperative and ACSIA Partners LLC we are pleased to announce that Long-Term Care insurance is now available to participating school district employees and their family members.

Why take advantage of this opportunity? 

  • Employees and eligible family members will have the opportunity to apply for long-term care insurance with multilife, gender-neutral rates
  • Employees and their actively-at-work Spouses may be eligible to apply for long-term care insurance with reduced medical underwriting, making it easier to health-qualify for coverage
  • Employees and their eligible family members will receive free educational resources including a subscription to Care Support Network
Want to learn more about Long-Term Care and the options that are now available to you? You are invited to attend a Long-Term Care benefit educational webinar. Please register below, or call 844-213-3103 for more information.




Tuesday March 21 11:30 AM CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
Wednesday March 22 4:00 PM CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
Tuesday March 28 7:00 PM CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
Thursday March 30 12:00 PM CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Save the confirmation email from WebEx that you will receive after registering – it will contain the dial-in and the link to join the screen share.

Request A Consultation


I would like my complimentary guide Dignity for Life.

Or Call (844) 213-3103

Did You Know?

At least 70% of people over 65 will need long-term care services at some point. " 1

Long-term care services cost between $50,000 ‐ $100,000 per year." 2

40% of people receiving long-term care are working-age adults between the ages of 18-64." 3

Women need long-term care services for longer (on average 3.7 years) than do men (on average 2.2 years)."4

5 Reasons WhyLong-Term Care Insurance
Can Help You:

  • Receive care services in the comfort of your home
  • Protect your home, savings and other family assets
  • Choose where and by whom you receive care from
  • Avoid a nursing home facility
  • Peace of mind knowing you're covered!

(1) Medicare & You, National Medicare Handbook, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Revised November, 2012
(2) MetLife Mature Market Institute, 2012 Market Survey of Long-Term Care Costs.
(3) National Clearing House for Long-Term Care Information, October 2008.
(4) US Department of Health and Human Services, 2007